Food stamps, here I come...

Special thanks to my Nashville friends for (once again) listening to me rant and stress this morning. Last night�s drinking with the boss (and other mid-level company executives) revealed the true status of things regarding the absorption of our division. In a nutshell, the job I was hired to do will cease to exist� or best case, it will exist on a much smaller scale. The good news: I can adapt to a number of positions here, so should remain employed. However, I started my morning with monster, dice and hotjobs. I�m trying my best to look at this as an adventure. A poorly-timed adventure.

Since it seems the executives are also looking at their internal and external employment options, my boss mentioned some things and places he�s looking. One such employment opportunity is in Knoxville, TN. He was almost certain there would be a place for me there as well. Although the job could be great, Knoxville isn�t somewhere I�d be eager to call home. I�ve gotten used to seeing teeth and shoes� I�d probably miss that.

With little to lose, I decided it was okay to leave the office to go to Starbucks for my current comfort drink (iced eggnog latte). I�m teetering between nervous wreck and optimistically enlightened. Something about today feels really good, despite the circumstances. 1) The sun is shining for the first time in a week. 2) Due to an accidental slight sprinkling of red sugar on my latte, I was given a free drink coupon at Starbucks. 3) I found 3 jobs online this morning (1 being an ideal job) that I am qualified for and are local to Dallas. I�m going to avoid moving if at all possible � I�m just not ready to go through all the hassle of changing my diary name again.
