Always the pretty ones

Um... I can't even begin to explain yesterday. I'll just get to it.

Lunch with Network Hottie turned into a mega-'reveal'. This guy is honest, and straight forward, HIGHLY ADHD, and has no sense of censorship. In other words, he doesn't have that little "maybe I shouldn't say this" filter that most of us do. In an hour... one single hour, mind you, I learned the following:

He is quitting this job (yes, already).
He punched a lesbian at Sue Ellen's (she punched him first... twice).
All of his skin fell off once... he was in the ICU for 2 weeks and in bandages for two months. They thought he might scar. He cried.
When his ex broke his heart, he punched his ex's new boyfriend in the stomach after being introduced to him at The Roundup.
Also after being ditched by his ex (of 5 years), he attempted suicide. I saw the scar.

No worries, though... he said he's worked out everything in counseling.

I couldn't make that up if I tried.

As way-too-much-for-an-introductory-lunch as all that is, I'm for some reason not scared. Sure, he's lacking that built-in filter we discussed, but I get the feeling you'd always know where you stood with him. I think he's harmless.

Although today will probably be this odd hottie's last day, I'm joining him and his friends for happy hour.

How could they be any weirder?
