Pleated disappointment

There's something exciting about working with people in other out-of-state offices, and then one day finally meeting them. It's kinda that Jenny Jones, oh-my-God-it's-you,-you're-my-REAL-daddy feelin'. Last month I worked on a project based in our New York office... unfortunately, my work can be done from Dallas, so no fun trip. Mid-way through the project, the project manager comes to Dallas for some unrelated training, and we meet. Long story short, she ends becoming very flirty, and professionally super-praisy (that I didn't mind : )... then inviting me to Austin with her for the weekend. Um, sorry ma'am, wrong equipment.

(By the way, my recent Austin trip wasn't with Ms. Wants-some-Texan... it was with a friend. I declined her offer since she wasn't clued in on my men-liking ways.)

She is cute, though, and ended up inquiring further about me when one of my art directors ventured to their office the following week. Next time she's in town, I'll have to break the news. I don't want any broken hearts on my hands. ('cause I'm certain she's wedding dress shopping as I type).

Another out-of-town associate came in yesterday... I'd talked with him on the phone numerous times... he's really funny and has a sexy voice. We met yesterday, and it was just kinda odd for a second... I noticed my mind tried to flash back through every past conversation and plug in the face now in front of me. I did the usual scope-out... he was lacking a wedding ring (yay), but then noticed his pleated pants (boo). This obviously straight man, coincidentally, has a shaved head much like a certain someone. I can't seem to get enough of this shaved-headed action these days.
