Damn right, it's better than yours...

So my jet-set life (ha) took me to Nashville this weekend. It was perfect � spending time with best friend Joe, family and friends Rachael and Emiloo. Venturing to the bar on Saturday night, I feel that my gym time has greatly paid off� as EVERY SINGLE PERSON who knew me from the olden days, complimented my new hugeness. The sweetest moment I�d say was when a particular hot guy, that I used to lust after, but wouldn�t give me the time of day� all of the sudden became interested� and even mentioned making a mistake in the past. What�s that, you say? Too little too late? So now I have his phone number and no intention of using it.

My milkshake SO brang all the boys to the yard.

Aside from patting myself on the back, it was great to see my family� all 4 under-3 kids, and drive some winding backroads. I do miss driving, since everything here is at least 4 lanes wide, smog-filled and hillless. I believe my sister�s little girl is going to be my favorite niece (well, she�s my only niece). She kept climbing over to me on the couch and would lay up against me with her thumb in her mouth. Absolutely adorable.

Late last Friday, I received a call that I have an interview with the cool design firm I�m interested in. Rachael helped me purchase some stylish clothes this weekend to wear for my interview. I�m getting very anxious/nervous. The good news is, they�ve seen my portfolio and are interested. That�s the hardest part in getting a design job� now it�s just a matter of them liking me.

I wore something low cut and some sexy new boxer briefs in case there�s a �casting couch.�
